Here is a short note to start off your week. Henry Weinhardt and family have been sailing USA 838 on Lake Simcoe for 15 years. The boat and the sailing venue look fantastic! Henry reports that the boat is in great condition and that he loves the boat. Henry, thank you for the short note.
AUSTRIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Achensee, 14-16 August 2020
During my 5-week visit of Austria and despite restrictions from the Corona virus, the opportunity arose for your US Class Secretary/Treasurer to compete in the Austrian Championships together with a new young sailor who recently bought a used 1985 Mader FD. There was a steep learning curve for Gregor to learn everything from how to set sails to trapezing. We also had a number of equipment failures, but we were able to finish all seven races except for one. Here is a quick summary of the Championships.
Because of Corona and a bad weather forecast, probably none of the 23 teams from six nations (from Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Great Britain, and Austria) expected such good races on the water and such a relaxed get-together on land.
The Austrian Championships started on Thursday evening, with a lot of rain and traditionally fine burgers and beer, all in strict compliance with Corona rules. At the time, nobody counted on sailing on Friday.
After the usual North wind suddenly appeared on Friday afternoon, three sporting races could be completed in 10 to 15 knots of wind.
GER-87 with Hans-Peter Schwarz and Roland Kirst sat confidently at the top of the ranking. AUT-39 with Martin Pfund and Christoph Zingerle positioned themselves with good results for the title of national champion.
On Saturday, the very accomplished race committee sent the FD fleet, including the six UFO-class boats, which also competed for their champions, onto the water despite the thunderstorm clouds on the entire horizon. And immediately both classes had to endure a heavy downpour, which was followed by bright sun and calm winds.
Some boats took advantage of the long waiting time for a trip to Pertisau on the other side of the lake for refreshing ice cream. The North wind set in late in the afternoon, allowing just enough time for a fourth race to make the FD Championships complete. Last year’s winners GER-222 Felix Albert and Lukas Merz won this race, followed by GER-87. In the evening, the traditional party in front of the boathouse was not detracted by Corona: there was great music, fancy drinks, and people even waltzed on the grass.
On Sunday morning it cleared up and the expected southerly wind set in and lasted until late afternoon.
Three exciting and challenging light wind races were sailed, of which GER-222 won and thus secured the overall victory, followed by GER-87 in second place.
Third in the overall ranking went to the Swiss Stephan Fels and Ulf Hügel with SUI-1.
Austrian champions were AUT-15 Gerhard and Rainer Ulrich, who on Sunday caught up with last year’s champions Jacob Holzinger and Paul Srienz with the same number of points but secured the championship title due to their better placement in the last run. Third in the championship standings were AUT-39 Pfund and Zingerle, who on Sunday could not match the successes they had on the first day.
It was a wonderful championship – thanks to the confident race management on the water and the experienced team on land around Paul Hullehaar, Martin Pfund and Christoph as well as Philipp Zingerle. Thank you so much! We are already looking forward to next year, then hopefully without Corona. You can find the overall result here.
Marc Strittmatter AUT-8, translated into English by Gerhard Panuschka, who also competed with a new Austrian FD sailor
National Championships and North American Championships Postponed
Dear FD Sailors,
Gerhard and I have postponed the National and North American Championships until next year due to risks associated with COVID-19. The Nationals were scheduled for August 7-9 at the San Diego Yacht Club (SDYC) in conjunction with the Olympic Classes Regatta. The North Americans were scheduled for October 9-11 at the American Yacht Club (AYC) in conjunction with the High Performance Regatta. The good news is that both SDYC and AYC have agreed to host our Nationals and North Americans next year in similar time frames. The National Championships will return to the East Coast in 2022. Our decision follows a similar decision by our International Class to postpone the Flying Dutchman Worlds. The Worlds had originally been scheduled for this September in Altea, Spain, but will now take place in 2021.
The Flying Dutchman is a beautiful boat. Although our championships are postponed until next year, I hope that you are able to get out sailing on your own to enjoy the very best that sailing has to offer. You can enjoy the Flying Dutchman vicariously by reading online old Flying Dutchman Trapezes (Trapeze) and Flying Dutchman Bulletins (Bulletin). You can also check out or contribute to Flying Dutchman news articles (FD News). Now is a great time to work on your boat. You can buy and sell FD equipment here: FD Classifieds. Peter Carr’s USA Flying Dutchman Facebook page is also available for your pleasure here: FD Facebook Group. If you would like to join the FD Google Group, please contact me. There is no better boat than the FD. We look forward to seeing you out on the water soon!
Best regards, Doug.
Douglas Dommermuth
US Flying Dutchman Class President
FD President
Gerhard Panuschka
US FD Class Secretary/Treasurer
FD Secretary/Treasurer
US Flying Dutchman Class Secretary/Treasurer
2019 North American Championships
2019 North American Championships, Flying Dutchman Class
September 20 -22, Richmond Yacht Club

This year’s championships took place on the West Coast at Richmond Yacht Club in the San Francisco Bay Area, concurrently with the annual Totally Dinghy event.
The Competitors:
Five boats competed in the races:
• Buzz Ballenger with Evan Diola on USA 1453
• Doug Dommermuth with Michael Manning on USA 153
• Zhenya Kirueshkin-Stepanoff with Chris Wrenn on USA 1
• Mike Meszaros with Gerhard Panuschka on USA 88
• Gordon Doller with Michael Spranger on USA 1454
Flying Dutchman Bulletin 170
Flying Dutchman Bulletin Number 170 is now available on the international website. An archive of Flying Dutchman Bulletins is available here: FD Bulletin. An archive of Flying Dutchman Trapeze Newsletters is available here: FD Trapeze. Our archives are slightly incomplete. If you have old Bulletins or Trapezes that would complete our archives, please contact: Webmaster.
2019 Flying Dutchman Nationals Results

Flying Dutchman National Championships
By Tom Lewis
The Flying Dutchman Nationals were hosted by the Willow Bank Yacht Club on Lake Cazenovia on July 19-21, 2019. Nine Flying Dutchman competed in the 2019 National Championship/Cuspidor Regatta. Brothers Chris and Jeff Wrenn from Santa Cruz, CA were crowned 2019 National Champions after three days and 12 races of good winds and competitive racing. Following closely behind were Larry Schmitz and Jack Caires from San Diego, CA, and Doug Dommeruth and Michael Manning also of San Diego. The top WBYC finishers were Carl Boller and Jeff Barbero in fifth place. WBYC sailors Tom Lewis and Andy Mistur finished seventh. Canadian sailors Derrick and Cynthia Hiltz followed in eighth place and newcomers to the Cazenovia FD fleet the Brown family sailing a vintage wooden Mader finished in ninth place. Junior sailors John Henry and Willem Light-Olson finished sixth and won the Flying Dutchman Class Association Junior National Trophy.
2019 FD Worlds in Nelson, NZ
By Paul Scoffin
After a number of false starts a small group of U.S.  Flying Dutchman sailors finally committed to doing the World Championships in Nelson, New Zealand. The initial indecision centered around only three teams being prepared to make the trip. Once USA 153 (Doug and Michael), USA 36 (Lin and Kim) and NZL 145 (Paul and Brendan) finally committed to shipping their boats, all the necessary arrangements were quickly made. USA 87 (Jim Algert and Bruce Barrett) became a last minute addition.
2019 National Championship
By Tom Lewis

Willow Bank Yacht Club (WBYC) will host the 2019 FD National Championships on 19, 20, 21 July 2019. We plan to train local sailors as qualified FD crews, should traveling skippers need a competent crew. Please register early so we can have trained crews available. Old FDs are welcome and will be awarded trophies. We have camping on the grounds plus local hotels, B&Bs and inns in the village.
Willow Bank Yacht Club
By Tom Lewis
Willow Bank Yacht Club is a small club located on a small lake in the village of Cazenovia in Central New York. Camping is available on the club grounds. The club has a ramp launch as well as a hoist. Club races are held Sundays throughout the summer. We have three FDs in the local fleet. Two FDs race