By Tom Lewis

Willow Bank Yacht Club (WBYC) will host the 2019 FD National Championships on 19, 20, 21 July 2019. We plan to train local sailors as qualified FD crews, should traveling skippers need a competent crew. Please register early so we can have trained crews available. Old FDs are welcome and will be awarded trophies. We have camping on the grounds plus local hotels, B&Bs and inns in the village.
Cazenovia College will have some dorm rooms available for $75/night + $12 for linen (one time charge) + tax, which is probably the best deal in town. Payment must be made one week before your stay. The college is a few blocks from the club (a 10 to 15 minute walk). A dorm room reservation form is here: room_reservations.
WBYC web site: