Containers have arrived from around the world for Worlds 2012

The containers have arrived from Europe, New Zealand and Australia.

Frank Nooijen did a great job coordinating 4 containers from Europe to transport boats from Holland, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Romania. Edward Cox coordinated the container from Australia and Dave Gibbs from New Zealand sorted out the Kiwi’s.

We all used same agent, Sea Shipping in Oakland to clear Customs which went relative painless, only a few containers were taken out for intense exam by CBP, Customs & Border Patrol and had to go through X-Ray before they could be delivered. We had Kiwi Transport in the marina, standby for off loading on arrival, which all happened within a few hours.

From Santa Cruz Yacht Club we had our two most reliable supports, Steve and Charlie, who both have done an outstanding job of getting the containers gated in per direction from the Harbor Authorities, and we are very pleased that all containers have arrived timely and safe. We can go sailing!