The 2006 North American Championship regatta was completed at Bay View Boat club in San Francisco recently. 13 boats showed up. Sailors came from region I and II and III on the east coast, and from SDgo and LA, as well as SF and NorCal.
Lin Robson took another championship, which is no story, but Tim Sayles crewing was interesting, as Tim has been crewing on 505s lately, so evidently has some good skills. New Zealanders Paul Scoffin and Bruce Barrrett on Bruce’s 84 Lindsey with new jib cars and old sails came one point from Lin and Tim. Third came Zhenya Kirueshkin Steppanoff with Chrtis Wrenn crewing, in a very gold-fleet third. Jim Algert and Wally Eaton were right there in every race also, finished fourth. The story is in the siver fleet. In his first ever FD regatta Steve Klotz and crew Chris Farrell, fresh from an FJ championship pulled a very credible fifth. After some ramp up issues early in the first day, They moved from the middle of the pack to the front group. Steve bought and sailed the ex-USA-7 86 Lindsey boat and sails. Next came another new comer to FD racing, though a 30 year veteran and associate of the FD class, Mike Maszeros. Mike bought a shell and kit from Bob Hoare in 1973, and raced the just recently finished yacht in this championship. While it is not offically measured, several credible witnesses have attested to its conformity. Mike made some excellent moves on the race course to make him a threat and nuesense to the gold fleet, and finished every race. Also in attendence, on in internship in the states from the Czech republic, Ondej Leheka,after a few letters and phone call He found a team mate and nice boat and skippered the regatta in fine form.